Sunday, September 02, 2007

This job hunting stint is really getting to me. Without the baggage of having to spend my time on a job, I can already feel the stresses of varsity life. The perennial flow of readings which I can barely comprehend and catch up with, the perceptive views of the rest of the class sending me down the depths of inadequacy. I find myself doubting my place in FASS. Do I truly belong here? Should I have gone along with something I am good at, or more accurately, better at? Or was it the right choice to follow my interest in whic I completely lack talent in?

My job applications have failed to respond, and my money is running low. Of course, the general response would be to take up tutoring which a)is good money and b)has the most flexible hours which suits best to a university student. However, I have this little problem of memory lapse. In which information does not retain in my memory for a period of longer than a year. How could I tutor a primary school child, when I myself have forgotten all the methods of drawing models in various colours to help you find out how much Ali would get after giving out his pie to six of his friends in inequal distribution? How am I going to answer what is the past, present and future tense when I myself have failed grammar? Is it grammer or grammar even? Another issue is that I can't handle kids. After my brief stint as an assitant coach, I have fully discovered my inability to communicateand associate with anyone under the age of 14, 16 even. Ageist, I know.

Of course, one could always turn to dear old mother, bat those little pussinboots peepers and grovel for allowance. But having a brother who was able to earn his keep right after graduating from secondary school? My pride stands in the way more than ever. Maybe I would resort to tuition. And let the poor child suffer under my horrid tutoring skills. Money knows no shame I suppose.

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